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Release the Resources of Heaven Offer

Learn to extend God’s Kingdom right where you are.  You can walk in Miraculous Authority and Discernment when you are Aligned and Alert to God’s movement around you. You can understand what He’s doing, Agree with Him and be used by Him to strengthen others. You can learn to function as a Kingdom ambassador and priest right where you are.

 You will Learn How to …

  • Meaningfully connect with and pray for others.
  • Walk in the Filling of the Holy Spirit in ways that fit you, and move in His gifts.
  • Share your faith in relevant and compelling ways.
  • Concretely confess your sins so that your soul is free.
  • Forgive and release others in transformational ways.
  • Pray for the Physical Healing of others.
  • Pray for the Emotional and Inner Healing of others.
  • Pray for the Spiritual Healing and Deliverance of others.

You will Receive …

  • 24 Hour Access to Coach Tom’s thorough, yet short Video trainings … so you can learn at your own pace and at times that fit your schedule
  • Downloads that will help you stay focused and internalize the content – and lead you to additional resources that will enhance your learning.
  • A 100-Page e-manual that will serve you in ministry settings the rest of your life
  • Weekly live group Zoom coaching sessions that will focus on questions, practical application and opportunities to do the “stuff” you are learning
  • Three 1-to-1 Coaching Sessions with Tom to help you internalize and implement this transformational process
  • The group support of a focused cohort from all over the country working through the same material with you