Find Courage in His Presence

Find Courage in His Presence

What do you do when fear creeps in?

Do you ignore it, pretending it doesn’t exist?
‍ Do you play it safe, avoiding anything that might make you feel afraid?
Do you freeze, paralyzed by the weight of uncertainty?
Or have you learned to stand firm, press through, and move ahead despite fear?

Many people hide their fear behind rationalizations. Instead of admitting they’re afraid to ride the roller coaster, speak in public , or confront a difficult person , they convince themselves they simply don’t want to. This way of thinking often leads to a smaller, more limited life.

Others have felt fear so often that they’ll do anything to avoid it. And some become completely stuck, unable to move forward at all. We’ve all been there at some point.

So how do we break free from fear?

Fear thrives in uncertainty, in the endless "what ifs" that paint negative possibilities. It is an emotional playground for the enemy, designed...

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"The Power of Paying It Forward"

What can you do?
What can you do well?
What can you do better than others?
What can you do that you can train others to do? 

Which of these questions matters most? 

God created us for relationship—with Him and with others. He desires that we experience His Kingdom, His provision, and His life. He doesn’t want anyone to miss out (2 Peter 3:9). 

And how does He advance His Kingdom? Through people. 

God uses people to serve, help, and disciple others. We all learn from someone—but who is learning from you? 

Paul gave Timothy a simple yet powerful instruction:
“The things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.” (2 Timothy 2:2) 

This is how transformation happens—how skills, values, and faith are passed down. God’s Kingdom grows when reliable Jesus-followers build reliable Jesus-followers. 

You are placed where you are for a...

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Today, Bolster Your Identity in the Lord

Is It Time to Refresh Your Identity in the Lord? 

Did you know that the greatest battles in your life aren’t really about your circumstances? At their core, they are battles over your identity. 

From the beginning, the enemy’s strategy has been to attack our identity by distorting our relationship with God. In the Garden, he led Eve to question God’s goodness—painting Him as a liar and a withholder. His goal? To make her feel lacking, inadequate, and disconnected from her true identity. (Genesis 3) 

Fast forward to Jesus in the wilderness, and the enemy used the same tactic. Every temptation—about provision, authority, and significance—was an attack on Jesus’ identity as the Son of God. (Luke 4:1-13) Adam and Eve believed the lie and lost their footing, but Jesus stood firm, choosing to trust His Father completely. 

How Do You Deepen Your Identity in Christ? 

It’s not about pretending to be stronger or more...

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Whatโ€™s Our Common Purpose?

What’s Our Common Purpose?

The Westminster Catechism says our purpose is:
“To glorify God and enjoy Him forever.”

John Piper tweaks it:
“To glorify God by enjoying Him forever.”

Great answers! But let’s make it even more practical.

Love God. Love People.

I believe God calls us to experience and love Him—and to experience and love others.
That’s the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:36-40).

But here’s the thing…
We can’t love God while ignoring people.
We can’t love people while neglecting God.

Why? Because God’s heart is always for people, and He is the source of ALL love.

Love = Fulfilling God’s Purpose

Paul puts it plainly:

“Whoever loves others has fulfilled the law.” (Romans 13:8)
“Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore, love is the fulfillment of the law.” (Romans 13:10)

Loving others isn’t a side mission—it’s the whole thing!

What Does...

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"Build a Powerful Life: Do You Have the Right Elements?"

What makes a life truly whole and mature?
Knowledge, wisdom, discipline, spirituality, physical strength—the list could go on.

Many chase achievements, hoping for significance, yet a solid, impactful life is surprisingly simple.

The psalmist Asaph summed up King David’s leadership:

"David shepherded them with integrity of heart; with skillful hands he led them." (Psalm 78:72)

These two qualities—integrity of heart and skillful hands—lay the foundation for a life that lasts.

Integrity of Heart: The Foundation

Integrity is undivided, single-minded purpose. It keeps a life steady, like a seaworthy boat—no leaks, no detours. It’s not just an outward display but an inward reality, forged through consistency, follow-through, and trust in God’s help.

"Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." (Proverbs 4:23)

Skillful Hands: The Execution

Skill isn’t just knowledge; it’s the ability to apply wisdom with...

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"Do You Love and Appreciate You? Here's Why It Matters"

God’s greatest gift to you … is YOU!

Without you, you do not exist.

God made you on purpose, with purpose.

You are not a random mixture of ingredients, but rather the culmination of desire, intent and planning – orchestrated by God. You are exactly what He thought of when He dreamt of you. He used your family lines, history, geography and circumstances to form you. You are His personal handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works that He has prepared in advance for you. (Ephesians 2:10)


Our two primary responses to God’s personal gift are to love Him with all that we have and to love our neighbors as ourselves. (Mark 12:30-31) There are three love objects mentioned in this Great Command and Commission: God, others and ourselves

In my faith circles, I have heard a great deal about loving God and loving others, but I haven’t heard much about rightly loving myself. Rather, such a thought has often been looked at with suspicion...

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Step Up Your Game in 2025!

"How You Start Your Day Determines Your Day"

While this isn’t always true, it’s a solid modern proverb that carries a lot of weight.

A good night’s sleep is a gift—a supernatural reboot built into God’s design. During sleep, our brains undergo a chemical cleansing, refreshing both our minds and bodies. Why waste those gains? Starting your day well is an opportunity to set the tone for everything that follows.

Taking this seriously can be a game-changer. It’s not a magic formula, but over time, it can help protect against depression, boost productivity, and increase your sense of clarity and purpose.

Scripture reminds us of the fresh start available to us each morning:

  • “The Lord’s compassions never fail. They are new every morning.” (Lamentations 3:22-23)
  • David sang, “Awake, my soul! Awake, harp and lyre! I will awaken the dawn.” (Psalm 57:7-8)
  • Even Jesus modeled this habit: “In the early morning, while it was...
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How to Build Amidst the Storm

Build on Solid Foundations in a Shaking World

The world is tense. Governments are unstable, anxiety is spreading, and insecurity touches every life—across all ages, ethnicities, and languages. In times like these, when everything feels like it’s shaking, we need to return to what truly matters and ensure our lives are anchored to unshakable foundations.

Unfortunately, many places and communities lack a shared understanding of what’s essential. As the psalmist asks, “When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?” (Psalm 11:3)

We must remind ourselves: our foundation is not found in public opinion, political debates, or even family traditions. “No one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.” (1 Corinthians 3:11)

Each of us has a unique role in building the church and influencing the culture, according to God’s design and calling. But we all must build on the same solid...

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It's Not ALL About You!

experiences sharing faith Nov 30, 2024

Do You Share What You See and Hear of God?

Do you openly share your experiences and understanding of God with others?

For some, this doesn’t feel natural—they’re private by nature and hesitant to share their faith. Others worry about being perceived as pushy or forcing their beliefs on others. But holding back may not be the best approach.

Your Testimony matters.
Think of a court of law: testimony is often the deciding factor, especially eyewitness accounts. In the same way, your personal experiences and understanding of God can have a profound impact on others—particularly those who already trust or respect you.

You might feel hesitant, thinking your life isn’t “perfect” enough to back up your words. But sharing your testimony isn’t about perfection—it’s about sharing what you’ve seen and heard. It’s about God’s work, not yours.

In fact, scripture repeatedly emphasizes the power of testimony:

  • “We...
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Are You a Good Listener?

Are you a good listener? ... How do you know for sure?

Jesus said, "Consider carefully what you hear. With the measure you use, it will be measured to you—and even more.” (Mark 4:24). This is a strong statement, reminding us that as we evaluate others by what they say, we too will be evaluated—by God, in an even deeper way.

This challenges me to listen with grace. I don’t want to judge or jump to conclusions; instead, I want to believe the best about the person speaking. I want to apply faith and God’s grace to what I hear, offering kindness to the one sharing their message. Why? Because that’s how I want others to listen to me—and more importantly, it’s the kind of listening God blesses.

James 1:19 encourages us to be “quick to listen, slow to speak.” This means truly processing what we hear before reacting, offering support over judgment, and receiving what’s good to put it into practice. God promises to bless this...

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