"How You Start Your Day Determines Your Day"
While this isn’t always true, it’s a solid modern proverb that carries a lot of weight.
A good night’s sleep is a gift—a supernatural reboot built into God’s design. During sleep, our brains undergo a chemical cleansing, refreshing both our minds and bodies. Why waste those gains? Starting your day well is an opportunity to set the tone for everything that follows.
Taking this seriously can be a game-changer. It’s not a magic formula, but over time, it can help protect against depression, boost productivity, and increase your sense of clarity and purpose.
Scripture reminds us of the fresh start available to us each morning:
Build on Solid Foundations in a Shaking World
The world is tense. Governments are unstable, anxiety is spreading, and insecurity touches every life—across all ages, ethnicities, and languages. In times like these, when everything feels like it’s shaking, we need to return to what truly matters and ensure our lives are anchored to unshakable foundations.
Unfortunately, many places and communities lack a shared understanding of what’s essential. As the psalmist asks, “When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?” (Psalm 11:3)
We must remind ourselves: our foundation is not found in public opinion, political debates, or even family traditions. “No one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ.” (1 Corinthians 3:11)
Each of us has a unique role in building the church and influencing the culture, according to God’s design and calling. But we all must build on the same solid...
Do You Share What You See and Hear of God?
Do you openly share your experiences and understanding of God with others?
For some, this doesn’t feel natural—they’re private by nature and hesitant to share their faith. Others worry about being perceived as pushy or forcing their beliefs on others. But holding back may not be the best approach.
Your Testimony matters.
Think of a court of law: testimony is often the deciding factor, especially eyewitness accounts. In the same way, your personal experiences and understanding of God can have a profound impact on others—particularly those who already trust or respect you.
You might feel hesitant, thinking your life isn’t “perfect” enough to back up your words. But sharing your testimony isn’t about perfection—it’s about sharing what you’ve seen and heard. It’s about God’s work, not yours.
In fact, scripture repeatedly emphasizes the power of testimony:
Are you a good listener? ... How do you know for sure?
Jesus said, "Consider carefully what you hear. With the measure you use, it will be measured to you—and even more.” (Mark 4:24). This is a strong statement, reminding us that as we evaluate others by what they say, we too will be evaluated—by God, in an even deeper way.
This challenges me to listen with grace. I don’t want to judge or jump to conclusions; instead, I want to believe the best about the person speaking. I want to apply faith and God’s grace to what I hear, offering kindness to the one sharing their message. Why? Because that’s how I want others to listen to me—and more importantly, it’s the kind of listening God blesses.
James 1:19 encourages us to be “quick to listen, slow to speak.” This means truly processing what we hear before reacting, offering support over judgment, and receiving what’s good to put it into practice. God promises to bless this...
Are you truly able to live in the present? Many of us struggle with this.
Some people feel trapped by their past. They carry unhealed wounds from being hurt by others, or regrets over their own mistakes burden them and they can’t forgive themselves enough to move forward.
Healing from the past starts with confessing (agreeing with God) concerning our wrongs and accepting forgiveness in our souls. It also involves forgiving others before God—releasing the “debts” we feel like people owe us. This work isn’t always easy, and it may require support from a trusted friend or spiritual leader, but it is ALWAYS possible. A resource that may help is Total Forgiveness by R.T. Kendall.
Others obsess about their future. Some get so caught up in their dreams that they lose focus on today, while others are paralyzed by worry about what might go wrong.
Yet, Jesus reminds us that worry adds nothing to our lives (Matthew 6:25-34).
Peter urges us to cast our...
We tend to do whatever we can to get out of the way of adversity. We may try to think our way out of the mess, to look for help from others or to pray that God will get us out or make it stop. We also receive continual input and advertising that offer us products that will stop our troubles and give us access to the good life to which we are all entitled. If your difficulty is weight, muscle tone, sickness, finance, loneliness, depression or erectile dysfunction – “We have a product that will take care of that for you.”
However, God’s ways are often very different from ours. He uses the hurdles and stubborn obstacles of life to deepen us and produce lasting fruit in our lives. Wisdom and character are grown through adversity, not through escape. There is no product that you can buy that will give you the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22) or understanding of the ways of God. These are only forged through a mixture of God’s truth and the...
Do you want to walk in God’s power and strength, or do you want to go for it in your own strength? This is a question we must each honestly ask ourselves. If we want to walk in God, we must learn to positively respond to His commands and directions. We must also be willing to say, “No” to lesser things.
A.W. Tozer gave students at Wheaton College 5 important “Don’ts” that can help strengthen us and prevent “spiritual leakage” in our lives. Let’s take a moment and consider them together.
1. Don't trifle with sin
There is no need to waste our time/lives with things that don’t satisfy and that actually make our spirits sick. Don’t slow down to even play with sin. Keep moving ahead, living full wholesome lives and obeying His positive commands.
2. Don't steal God's glory
We must not be overly concerned about people’s view of us. If we live well and give proper respect to God’s provision,...
Are you having trouble accomplishing what you think God wants you to accomplish?
Are you having difficulty getting free from any bondage or addiction?
Are you having a tough time connecting with God?
The enemy may be hindering you!
This may sound like a hyper-spiritualization to some. However, we live in a spiritual world, and the enemy is a factor in the game. The good news is that his impact is often limited if our lives are in sync with God’s truth and leading.
Proverbs 26:2 reads, “Like a fluttering sparrow or a darting swallow, an undeserved curse does not come to rest.”
In other words, the activity (cursing) of the enemy cannot “stick” to us or have lasting impact if there is no spiritually legal basis for his assault. The sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus sets us free from the haunting impact of the enemy – unless our lives are spiritually out of order.
When we live outside of God’s healthy and clear life-boundaries, we place...
Are you growing as a person?
Are you growing spiritually?
How can you tell?
Personal growth is necessary for spiritual growth. Some people don’t understand this. They think that they can grow spiritually without becoming more mature as a person. They hope they can become spiritual giants without becoming more honest and responsible. It will not happen.
Spirit life – the fruit of the Spirit - is described as: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. (Galatians 5:22) These are wholeness words that affect one’s entire character. These are the by-products of the presence of God in your life, and your cooperation with His promptings.
Peter wrote a personal growth list for you to consider: faith, goodness, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness and love. (2 Peter 1:5-7) He goes on to say that if you possess these qualities in growing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and...
If you pay attention to media you’ve undoubtedly noticed that there’s a lot of instability in our cities, our country and in the nations. Some people seem to change their opinions like changing their clothes – almost daily. Others lock-in on their perspectives and try to convince everyone to agree and join them. How about you, are you a wobbler, or are you an immovable object?
In Ephesians 4, the apostle Paul helps us see how to develop and grow in healthy stability. As we learn to serve others according to God's unique enablement we all mature. (Verse 12) Those serving mature through the exercise of service – serving strengthens our inner person. Those who are served benefit from the help they receive. Serving well is a win-win for everyone.
As we mature, we become much less likely to fall for people’s schemes and scams. (verse 14) We no longer look for magic or for others to show us the easy way out. Mature people can recognize the wisdom of God, and...
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