Can We Talk?

Many people in our country believe that faith is a personal thing – that it’s not something to talk about or share with others. To believe this, however, is to believe that there is no real, solid, true faith that we must all consider.

The Bible uses the expression “the faith” to describe a solid belief in Jesus Christ that impacts and informs all aspects of life.  People are to be strengthened in the faith, encouraged to stand strong in the faith, to examine themselves to make sure they are in the faith, to grow in the unity of the faith and to experience joy in the faith together. Faith is personal.   Faith is also corporate.   We need to be discuss it so we can grow and progress in our understanding, application and practice of “the faith.”

In Ephesians 4:15 we are instructed to “speak the truth in love” to each other. This is what we all need spiritually and relationally. We need to receive both...

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