Many people want to be healthier and in better shape. Today the number of popular diet program options is mind boggling. Keto. Paleo. Intermittent Fasting. Cleanses. Mediterranean, just to name a few.
Do you, too, want to get in better shape? If so, I have one question that I must ask; do you want a short-term or a long-term solution?
Many people want to look nice for an upcoming event or reunion, but fewer seek to sustain a life change that will make a difference for the long haul. Do you want to cut excess sugar for the next 10-20 years, or is this a short-term fancy? Are you willing to keep at your exercise plan for years and years, or is it related to some short-term goal?
Sometimes people address their faith-life in a similar way. They want to get in “spiritual shape;” they are hoping it will happen by magic, and they put their hope in a “crash-diet” of Sunday sermons and crisis prayers. Many of us hope that we...
Click Here for the 4-Minute Video
What does it mean to be a good human?
It relates to our identity as image-bearers of God.
We were created in the image of God. Being in God's image points to our ability to connect with and commune with God.
We understand and receive our identity from being with God. In that way we need to be Human Beings - humans, being with God.
We exercise our identities in God by exercising/expressing God's will/intent/perspective in our roles and life spheres. We express our unique identities through our unique offerings to the world.
What do you have to offer the world? ... that is your unique Human doing.
To be a Good Human is to be a Human Being - with God and a Human Doing - through God's enablement and power.
At this point in your life, might God be encouraging you to grow on the Being or the Doing side?
We need both to be Good Humans!
If you'd like to go a little deeper on this, you may want to check out my 1--minute podcast on this topic. Go to: ...
Make A Healthy Turn from 2020 to 2021!
It's not too late to do some good, guided reflection through 2020.
In this video, I help you do some rounded reflection and discernment in order to start to reorient yourself and reform your actions into 2021. Do this well, and you will be on solid ground!
Here is a replay of a webinar I did at the turn of the year. I received responses that people found this information very helpful and inspiring.
Here, too, is a 13-page Guide to help you meaningfully work through the process Guided Reflection PDF.
Check out the Video of the Webinar
Life is a matter of choices. Every day, we make a series of decisions. Some are trivial, such as what sox to wear, while others determine success or failure in our lives. Scripture clearly reveals that we are who we are, and we are where we are because of the various choices we have made. We make choices - and then our choices make us! What you consistently choose will mark your life.
I once read of “the Law of Focus.” It states that “What we focus on, we make room for.” If you focus on making an “A” in a class, you will make room for the necessary study. If you focus on dating a certain person, you will make room in your schedule to get near him/her. The focus of our lives starts to determine the kind of input we receive, and that input begins to create a kind of thought-atmosphere in our minds. Our repetitive thoughts then determine our choices, and those choices determine our destiny.
Thus, our...
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