Are You Taking Hold of Reset Opportunities?

Why did God include rest as part of His created order?

Animals rest.

Birds rest.

Fish rest.

People rest.

Land also needs rest.

Even machines and computers need rest.

It is God Who created the concept of Sabbath rest and He intended it to be exercised weekly. He also created a daily cycle that includes rest/sleep.

God could have created us without a need for rest, but He didn’t. He clearly values rest. It serves as a kind of reboot. It cleanses our souls from the toxic buildup that life sometimes produces. It heals wounds that have been inflicted. It resets our minds with hope and direction. The rest of God provides a kind of new start.

Sabbath rest includes stopping our regular work, worshiping the God of creation and reflecting upon our lives within the framework of God’s purposes. It also involves delighting in God, creation, our lives, and our connections.

Isn’t it interesting that many of the Sabbath gifts have fallen out of the rhythms of modern life? No...

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