No More Fear Paralysis

When was the last time you failed?  Was it huge or a small mistake, a breakdown or a collapse – or have you intentionally suppressed memories of your failure?

Most of us hate failure. Failing makes us feel ashamed.  It threatens our identity – as if our identity could be built on consistent, flawless performance.

We need to remember, however, that failure is a significant and important part of life. The only way a child will ever learn to walk is by failing thousands of times. People of great accomplishment have a long string of failures to which they can very easily point.

Winston Churchill, widely regarded as one of world’s great wartime heroes, defined success as “going from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.”

The best way to deal with a fear of failure is to press ahead, try some new things and fail a few times. You will find that the fear of shame associated with the fear of failure is ten times worse than the actual failure....

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An Invitation to God's Healing, Deepening and New Direction - Podcast

Click Here to Tune in to hear this astounding and inspiring story of redemption, healing and hope.

It was a delight to sit with Joe Fornear, a long-time friend of mine from high school days.  I KNOW that you, too,  will be encouraged to hear what he has to share.

In this podcast, you will hear some of Joe's honest reflections on

  •  life lived as a self-professed "racecar that needed a steering wheel".
  •  his own mental health struggles
  • relational struggles with profound effects
  • God's interventions and "glorious salvation"
  • the impactful gifts of those who invested in him
  • his diagnosis of Late Stage Metastatic Melanoma
  • an oncologist's shocking "death sentence" when no more could be done 
  • God's MIRACULOUS  healing
  • how God is moving in and through him today in an amazing and inspiring ministry

Really...You do not want to miss this one!

~ Coach Tom

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Are You Living Into Your Exchanged Life?

The Exchanged Life

How are you doing in your soul?  What is the condition of your spirit – the deepest part of you?  It may take a moment to access your inner state, but it is good to check-in with yourself from time-to-time.

The apostle Paul said the Kingdom of God is a matter of “Righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 14:17) This is what the Life of Christ looks like in us. Jesus described His life as restful, rightly fit for us and light. (Matthew 11:28-30) Deep down within yourself, do you sense righteousness, peace, joy, rest and lightness? Or do you feel cluttered and weighed down on the inside?

At the core of the Christian life is a death and resurrection.  Jesus’ crucifixion is a payment for our sin-saturated lives and a release from sin’s strangle-hold.  His resurrection demonstrates the power of the Holy Spirit and is a picture of new, supernatural life. This inner life...

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