On What Are You Fixing Your Attention?

There are so many things vying for our attention these days – ads, shows, tasks, roles, assignments, relationships.

There are also many voices – family, friends, workmates, God, conscience, self and the enemy.

Does anything or anyone really get your attention anymore?

Whatever gets your attention gets you.

With all the clammer, it is most important to give your attention is God –His voice is even more important than your own.

God is the Creator, Sustainer and the Interpreter of all things. He is life itself. We are all accountable to Him, whether we recognize Him or not. Our identity, worth and purpose are derived from Him. We must remind each other and encourage each other in this truth consistently.

In Christ we have been spiritually “raised” to understand the will and voice of God. We must give Him our attention. We are encouraged to  “Set our hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God … to set our minds...

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