Are You Living In The "Zone"?

We are all uniquely wired. Some are laid back and struggle to motivate themselves to take action. Others are so tightly wound they can barely sit still. Our wiring determines our natural firing. So, we must pay attention to God’s creative work in our lives, learn about ourselves, and learn how to present and submit ourselves to the lordship of Jesus. When we learn to live in accord with His design, we will be fulfilled. He will be most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him. (John Piper, Desiring God)

Many believers are tempted to over-strive in their faith. They want to do "it" better. They want to succeed in living "The Christian Life." They read the Scriptures and try to incorporate the lessons and principles into their lives. They strive to grow. However, such people can sometimes be difficult to be around. They can make others feel like they too must try harder in their faith—their striving makes others strive and feel worn out. Implementing the...

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A Season of Waiting … A Season of Preparation

This Sunday marks the beginning of the season of Advent. Advent means “Coming” or “Appearance.”  This is a time when Christians around the world identify with Israel waiting hundreds of years for the Messiah – Jesus. It is also a time to intentionally stir our hearts with hope for the return of Christ. We are waiting and looking for His Second Coming. It’s an opportune period to practice waiting on the Lord.  It’s also good to inform our waiting and refresh our faith and hope in God.

For what are you waiting?  What burdens are you waiting for Him to relieve? What promises, biblical and personal, are you waiting for Him to fulfill? What rekindling are you seeking in your relationship with Christ? Write these things down – and begin to pray and wait with renewed faith in the faithfulness of God.

Faith is not just about waiting; it can also involve preparing for His answers and His coming. 
This preparation is a...

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Are You Prepared for What's Next?

When you consider your future, what do you think will happen?

Do you picture good things coming your way, or does the future feel somewhat bleak? 

No one really knows the future. God rarely gives detailed insights into what is coming next. It seems that He wants us to rely on Him and not to become fixated on what will or won’t happen.  This can feel disconcerting – and some become so concerned with knowing the future that they involve themselves in the occult, seeking dark powers for information about their future as if that will bring them security and comfort.

God’s Kingdom approach is quite different. He promises to be with us always; to never leave us or forsake us. His character is such that He can be trusted with our future, even though we don’t know what that future will hold.

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28 NIV)   


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Everything is Shaking - Get Ready!

Here is a short video to help you put these days in a spiritual context - and to encourage you to get yourself in order and in a good position.


Click Here: "Everything is Shaking - Get Ready"

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Make A Healthy Turn from 2020 to 2021!

Make A Healthy Turn from 2020 to 2021!

It's not too late to do some good, guided reflection through 2020. 

In this video, I help you do some rounded reflection and discernment in order to start to reorient yourself and reform your actions into 2021.  Do this well, and you will be on solid ground!

Here is a replay of a webinar I did at the turn of the year.  I received responses that people found this information very helpful and inspiring.

Here, too, is a 13-page Guide to help you meaningfully work through the process Guided Reflection PDF.

Check out the Video of the Webinar

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How To Relax, Stop Striving ... and Still Move Ahead

preparation stillness Sep 25, 2020

If you feel like you are not going anywhere or not gaining ground, you are not alone ... almost everyone feels this way right now.  However, the steps shared in this video point to a better, more peaceful, exciting and productive way.


Check Out the Video: How to Relax, Stop Striving ... and Still Move Ahead


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It's Time for Slow Motion

action motion preparation Mar 13, 2020

Every Season has its own purpose - and appropriate actions.

James Clear, in his book, Atomic Habits refers to two kinds of purpose.

Motion: is a time that refers to learning, gathering information or contacts, organizing, preparing and planning.

Action: is a time that refers to behaviors that produce outcomes or results.

Often people get the purposes of what they are doing confused.  Sometimes they think they are getting things done when they are only in motion.  And sometimes people try to take on action without necessary preparation.

As you consider this season, I encourage you that this is a time for motion.  Do what you can to deepen, clarify and prepare for the next season of your life that will unfold soon enough.

~ Coach Tom

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