Is Anything Blocking Your Blessing?

Are you having trouble accomplishing what you think God wants you to accomplish?

Are you having difficulty getting free from any bondage or addiction?

Are you having a tough time connecting with God?

The enemy may be hindering you!

This may sound like a hyper-spiritualization to some. However, we live in a spiritual world, and the enemy is a factor in the game. The good news is that his impact is often limited if our lives are in sync with God’s truth and leading.

Proverbs 26:2 reads, “Like a fluttering sparrow or a darting swallow, an undeserved curse does not come to rest.

In other words, the activity (cursing) of the enemy cannot “stick” to us or have lasting impact if there is no spiritually legal basis for his assault. The sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus sets us free from the haunting impact of the enemy – unless our lives are spiritually out of order.

When we live outside of God’s healthy and clear life-boundaries, we place...

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