Are You Living In The "Zone"?

We are all uniquely wired. Some are laid back and struggle to motivate themselves to take action. Others are so tightly wound they can barely sit still. Our wiring determines our natural firing. So, we must pay attention to God’s creative work in our lives, learn about ourselves, and learn how to present and submit ourselves to the lordship of Jesus. When we learn to live in accord with His design, we will be fulfilled. He will be most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him. (John Piper, Desiring God)

Many believers are tempted to over-strive in their faith. They want to do "it" better. They want to succeed in living "The Christian Life." They read the Scriptures and try to incorporate the lessons and principles into their lives. They strive to grow. However, such people can sometimes be difficult to be around. They can make others feel like they too must try harder in their faith—their striving makes others strive and feel worn out. Implementing the...

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