Are You a Good Listener?

Are you a good listener? ... How do you know for sure?

Jesus said, "Consider carefully what you hear. With the measure you use, it will be measured to you—and even more.” (Mark 4:24). This is a strong statement, reminding us that as we evaluate others by what they say, we too will be evaluated—by God, in an even deeper way.

This challenges me to listen with grace. I don’t want to judge or jump to conclusions; instead, I want to believe the best about the person speaking. I want to apply faith and God’s grace to what I hear, offering kindness to the one sharing their message. Why? Because that’s how I want others to listen to me—and more importantly, it’s the kind of listening God blesses.

James 1:19 encourages us to be “quick to listen, slow to speak.” This means truly processing what we hear before reacting, offering support over judgment, and receiving what’s good to put it into practice. God promises to bless this...

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Are You An Animated Adventurer?

Do you ever feel spiritually dry?

Jesus referred to the Holy Spirit as Rivers of Living Water – that can flow from within you.                      (John 7:38)

Do you ever feel powerless?

Jesus said you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you … and you will be His witness. (Acts 1:8)

Do you ever feel lonely, isolated or unloved?

The apostle Paul said that you have received a Spirit of Adoption – with all the rights of a first-born son – who calls out within you “Abba, Papa.”
(Romans 8:15)                                                                                                               ...

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