Are You An Animated Adventurer?

Do you ever feel spiritually dry?

Jesus referred to the Holy Spirit as Rivers of Living Water – that can flow from within you.                      (John 7:38)

Do you ever feel powerless?

Jesus said you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you … and you will be His witness. (Acts 1:8)

Do you ever feel lonely, isolated or unloved?

The apostle Paul said that you have received a Spirit of Adoption – with all the rights of a first-born son – who calls out within you “Abba, Papa.”
(Romans 8:15)                                                                                                               ...

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Learn To Follow Beyond Your Ability

What did you think you were getting into when you decided to follow Jesus? 

Did you imagine He would forgive you of everything that needed heavenly forgiveness - past, present and future?  He has! 

Did you imagine He would help you perceive life, not through the lens of your familial distortions or wounded soul, but instead from God’s Kingdom perspective?  He’s doing that even right now!

Did you imagine that He would use you to reveal His glory, grace and truth to others that you were uniquely created to help?  This is His plan for you!

When Jesus sent the 70 to go ahead of Him, as recorded in Luke 10, they quickly realized they were in over their heads.  Jesus gave them authority to do what was impossible amidst a hostile crowd.  He sent them, and they went because they believed He was backing them.  They were amazed at what happened. Demons responded to their voice/authority and miracles took place.  The 70 disciples...

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How to Connect with God

When you hear the words, “Spiritual Disciplines,” what comes to your mind?  For many, feelings of religious striving start to envelope their thinking.  They may have difficulty listing many of the disciplines, but they don’t have trouble experiencing guilt, boredom, dryness or tiredness that the enemy wants to associate with these practices.  Maybe it's just the word “Discipline” that sounds odious.

In reality, spiritual disciplines can be an incredible means of accessing God and experiencing His grace. Maybe it is more comfortable for us to call them practices. They are like maps that point us in the direction of God. They help direct our attention toward Him, and they can bring us a sense of closer proximity.  Some of the practices that many find helpful relate to the Bible (reading, study and/or meditation); Prayer (silence, stillness, solitude, listening, dialog); Reflection (personal awareness, examination of conscience); ...

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Today is the Day!

Life can and will be difficult. Challenges and hardships that will seem to be beyond your capacity to process, or even endure, are coming your way. This is not a negative fortune or word of prophecy; it is simply a reality of life in this world for everyone - Christians included.
If tough times come - and they will - what will you do, and what will be your focus? You don't have to wait till they fall upon you to develop your approach. As a matter of fact, now is the best time to chart your general course for when the "bad" times hit.
In John 16:32-3, we see one of Jesus's last conversations with His disciples before He was arrested and crucified. He was giving them crucial preparation for facing times of confusion and hardship. He said, "A time is coming and in fact has come when you will be scattered, each to your own home. You will leave me all alone. Yet I am not alone, for my Father is with me. I have told you these things, so that in me you may...

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Are You Thirsty?

How alive are you?

How abundant is your life experience in God?

The New Testament starts with the book of Matthew, but the first Gospel written was most likely the book of Mark. It reads, “The beginning of the Good News about Jesus …” It then starts with the ministry of the John the Baptist – the one who Isaiah prophesied would prepare people to receive Jesus, the Messiah.

John called everyone to repentance – to turn from their sinfulness – their self-referenced, self-promoting, self-protecting and self-justifying lives. John the Baptist proclaimed a new spiritual season in the Messiah that had two powerful stages:

1. Turn from sin and receive fresh forgiveness from God.
    Baptism (emersion) in water would be the sign of this spiritually cleansing reality.
2. Look for and be alert to the Promised One – Jesus, the Son of God.
    Baptism (emersion) in the Holy Spirit will be the reality of this new life.

As we consider...

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A New Season in the Spirit

How alive are you?

How abundant is your life experience in God?

The New Testament starts with the book of Matthew, but the first Gospel written was most likely the book of Mark.  It reads, “The beginning of the Good News about Jesus …” It then starts with the ministry of John the Baptist – the one who Isaiah prophesied would prepare people to receive Jesus, the Messiah.  John called everyone to repentance – to turn from their sinfulness – their self-referenced, self-promoting, self-protecting and self-justifying lives.

John the Baptist proclaimed a new spiritual season in the Messiah that had two powerful stages:

  • Turning from sin and receiving fresh forgiveness from God. Baptism (emersion) in water would be the sign of this spiritually cleansing reality.
  • Looking for, and being alert to, the Promised One – Jesus, the Son of God. Baptism (emersion) in the Holy Spirit will be the reality of this new life.

As we consider the Advent...

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